Fuchs performance project: Kathrein makes it into the top field again


Fuchs performance project: Kathrein makes it into the top field again

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We are pleased to announce that we have once again made it to the top of an independent, international performance comparison. In the Fuchs Performance Project, we were once again able to underline the quality of our work. The added value of our active Kathrein portfolio management was confirmed by an independent quality control.


Better than the benchmark

Kathrein Privatbank achieved an excellent seventh place among 73 international participants in the Performance Project IV of the FUCHS|RICHTER PRÜFINSTANZ. The goal of the test was to beat a benchmark portfolio of four ETFs over a period of five years. In doing so, it was also necessary to achieve an annual distribution and to keep the fluctuation range of the portfolio within limits. The basis for the Kathrein test portfolio was our in-house opinion, which is reflected in our asset management and our funds. The actively managed Mandatum 25 fund (equity share of 25% on average) of Kathrein Privatbank convinced with a clear outperformance compared to the benchmark. Overall, only 13 out of 73 providers from the entire German-speaking region achieved this.

How was the benchmark test structured?

73 banks and asset managers from the entire German-speaking region were called upon to manage assets of EUR 3 million over five years. A total of EUR 150,000 was to be paid out at the end of the term. Providers who could not guarantee nominal capital preservation after five years had to accept point deductions. Points were also deducted if a loss of 15 % was exceeded during the term. 

The benchmark to be beaten was a portfolio of index funds consisting of four ETFs (two equity ETFs and two bond ETFs).

Fuchsbriefe: central rating for private banks

The Fuchsbriefe are among the most renowned publications in the field of asset management in German-speaking countries. In addition to anonymous client advisory tests, the Performance Project is also carried out regularly.
You can find the ad hoc announcement in full length in the downloads section.

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